People Managers are the Linchpins
Creating Work-Life Alignment
Four Essential Strategies to Help Employees Reduce Work-Life Conflict, Increase Engagement, and Improve Well-Being
This e-learning course was created for anyone who directly manages people (supervisors, managers, directors, or vice presidents).
The goal of the program is to help managers help learn about ways they can improve work-life alignment for their employees through four focus areas:
- Connect
- Respond
- Rethink
- Model

How It Works
The six e-learning modules will take learners approximately 90 minutes to complete.
The course samples below illustrate how the learning progresses.
Defining the Problem – A common manager perception gap results in turnover, lower productivity, and unnecessary stress.
Real World Examples and Engaging Characters – Participants are presented with relatable situations and practical problem-solving ideas.
Interactive Exercises – Managers learn and practice healthy ways to create work-life alignment, creating long-lasting behavior change.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the individual and organizational value of supervisor behaviors that support their employees’ achievement of work-life alignment
- Explore current state of personal perceptions, barriers, and behaviors related to supporting work-life alignment
- Learn the details of four specific behaviors that supervisors exhibit to support work-life alignment among their employees
- Create an action plan to improve or broaden the demonstration of these behaviors
Course Outline
Module 1 – Overview: work-life alignment definition, importance, and impact
Module 2 – Learn strategies to Connect with your employees and lay the foundation to create work-life alignment
Module 3 – Learn strategies to Respond to requests from employees
Module 4 – Learn strategies to Rethink work to create stronger work-life alignment
Module 5 – Learn strategies to Model better work-life alignment for your employees
Module 6 – Action Planning: Creating an action plan to create better work-life alignment over the next 30 days
Choose a Plan that Works for You
Our flexible, budget-minded pricing enables you to begin with a pilot group of managers and then expand the course offering to your entire manager, director, and executive population as you roll out the program.
per seat
per seat
per seat
per seat
1,000+ Managers
Additional volume discounts are available for purchases over 1,000.
Creating Work-Life Alignment Facilitator Kit
- Workshop script, talking points, and facilitator notes
- Customizable PowerPoint deck
- Bibliography of articles detailing the research and findings at the foundation of the program
- Sample action plan
- Suggested additional follow-up steps
with the purchase of 100+ seats
($399 value)

Unlimited Access on Your LMS
This eLearning program is SCORM compliant and can be easily integrated with your LMS. Please contact us for pricing.
How is this course different from other elearning management courses?
This course is based on rigorous research conducted by tenured university professors over several decades. Empowering managers and developing specific behaviors they can implement every day is an innovative approach for improving employee well-being and work-life alignment. Research proves it produces impactful results.
Can I connect this e-learning course to my Learning Management System (LMS)?
Yes, Creating Work-Life Alignment is compatible with most LMS’s.
Is the Creating Work-Life Alignment e-learning course SCORM compliant?
What devices and browser combinations will my learners need to run the Creating Work-Life Alignment e-learning course?
The course is compatible with the following combinations:
- Windows/Chrome
- Mac/Safari
- iPad/Mobile Safari
- iPhone/Mobile Safari
- Android tablet/Chrome
- Android phone/Chrome
Are there any other technical specifications that I should know about?
Course is built using Storyline 360’s responsive player.
What is the best environment for my employees when working through the course?
We suggest a quiet space where they can hear the audio from their device as well as comprehend and respond to prompts that appear throughout the course.
Do participants need to complete this course all at once?
Learners can log out after completing a single module and then log back in when they are ready to continue. They can also complete all six modules in a single session, whichever approach works best for them and their situation.
How do I purchase and provide my organization’s managers access to the course?
You can purchase the number of seats you need, and we will provide you with unique access codes to share with your managers. Managers can use this access code to log into our LMS and access the course. Alternatively, you can purchase an annual license and receive SCORM-compliant files to place on your LMS.
How long will it take participants to complete the Creating Work-Life Alignment e-learning course?
Approximately 90 minutes.
Do you have other training courses that complement this course?
Through Dion Leadership, we have a series of in-person and virtual training courses used to develop a wide array of skills managers to lead others more effectively. You can find a list here.
What devices and browser combinations will my learners need to run the Creating Work-Life Alignment e-learning course?
The course is compatible with the following combinations:
- Windows/Chrome
- Mac/Safari
- iPad/Mobile Safari
- iPhone/Mobile Safari
- Android tablet/Chrome
- Android phone/Chrome
Is Work-Life Aligned available in multiple languages?
Currently, the product is only available in English.
Can my team managers complete this as a group?
We don’t recommend that approach. The course has been designed for learners to work through individually. We do, however, recommend that once you have a group of participants complete the course, utilizing the facilitator guide for a guided group discussion to unpack learning and how it applies in your organization is an excellent wrap-up event.